A Love and Learn journey

Usman Nazir
3 min readOct 9, 2020


Amal’s Love

During the Amal journey, I have experienced numerous experiences and I get much from it. Experiences can often decide your success or failure throughout life. Your decisions and your experiences help to make the person that you are. Raising funds for the Edhi Foundation was a live experience. The experience of the real world. What’s more, I was the eyeball of that activity since all the reserves were moved to my account and I effectively moved to its actual place.

Smiley Sessions

Everybody has various qualities. Furthermore, no one needs to compromise them but ignorance leads to forgetfulness. The value of values I gained from Amal. Having cleared values causes me to guarantee that I am driving towards my goals. The guiding principle upholds the vision and shapes my dreams. That is the reason each and every choice ought to be lined up with these values.

Lessons from communication

I learned the worth of effective communication, it is important to be specific, rather than vague or ambiguous. Regardless of whether you are speaking or composing, you will have a much simpler time expressing what is on your mind obviously when you pick enlightening words and have an exact expectation as a main priority. So much miscommunication comes from lack of specificity and the audience and peruser could be exhausted with it. Vague communication demonstrated negative effects on them. I get rid of them through Amal.

Piller of Amal Academy; Sir Awais Farooq Roy

will miss you sir Awais!

After two weeks, the weekends mornings will not be with all the beautiful faces and the morning alarm will no longer wake me up for the sessions. I will miss welcoming you all after the break or breakout rooms. I will miss that ma’am Zohra misses when welcome is not given from my side. I will miss how Sir Tayyab laughs at my jokes. I will miss how I tease all of you, especially chocolate and cute fights with Sukkur's glutton girl. Miss all of you.

Emotional kr dit’ta yaar!

