“Charity does not decrease wealth.” Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

Usman Nazir
3 min readSep 12, 2020


“Don’t feel ashamed when giving little for charity; that is because there is always goodness in giving no matter how little.” Ali Ibn Abi Talib (RA)

Charity begins at home, but it should not end at home. We can proceed with it to a wide area. Inspired by a great personality “Abdul Sattar Edhi Sahab” we should take part in this fundraising activity with all our intentions and concerns to provide some needy people shelters and some foodstuff.

Thomas Aquinas said, “Charity brings to life again those who are spiritually dead”.

literally, there is a huge amount of people who need our little help but we are not aware of them. To teach the concept of Humanity, Amal Academy organized an activity for its fellow fellows to take collect funds and praise humanity. As the great Edhi Sahab said, “No religion is higher than humanity”. And definitely it is, and further he said that we have got educated but have not become Human.

Consequently, we started this in a team and reached out to the people who were still don’t know what deeds show humanity. Edhi is a well-known non-profit organization but some of the people think its a business that was started by Abul Sattar Sahab and now runs by her son Faisal Edhi. We washed-out this concept from their heads and shared some quality work done by the Edhi foundation. We explained the perspective of humanity along with the reference of Edhi Foundation. People accepted our concept and we got a lot of positivity from people which was really satisfying for us.

Fund Raising challenge

Despite all that awareness, we had to face a challenge of fundraising in the 2020’s pandemic. Also, we had to do that with a failure accepting mindset. We started it by sharing an ad and announcement via social media.

Shared our request via social media platforms

Zero response by the people, in the beginning, led down our morale a little bit. But we were prepared to accept this. As we could haven’t go outside freely and meet people, we decided to get more from virtual interaction. This technique really had worked for us and in the reward of a two-week hard work and determination, we had come up with a fair amount for The Edhi foundation.


The difficulties we had faced were so demotivational and the arguments were really irritating. Some of the members shared that they were argued with such things;

“Edhi doesn’t need our pennies” “We don’t like Faisal Edhi”, “What is your benefit in this”, “We will help in our radius”, “Edhi has its connection with powerful businessmen”, “they do not deserve such little help”.

All this demotivational stuff had been happily accepted by the team. They kept their potentials very high and have got the reward.

We have got to know about the precious satisfaction when we help humanity. And along with that, we have enhanced our skill of failure acceptance.

