Much closer to our Aim

Usman Nazir
4 min readOct 14, 2020


The goal was to meet the requirements and needs of the people living in slums. We decided to support them with proper nutrition, a suitable shelter, a clean environment, proper clothing, and health care. But unfortunately, 2 of our group key members were dropped due to some unknown reasons, one of them was the mastermind of our megaproject proposal.

Due to the pandemic, we were not geographically close to performing our assigned tasks well, but still, we tried & put in our best to make it happen, We personally thank each other of our group to organize such a difficult task in the hard times.

our aim and our team

Proceeding to the nascent goals of the concerned project, we are determined to build a bridge between these slum savages fraught with exigent steps and provided contacts of physicians. Indeed, fungible alternatives are needed meanwhile keeping all these pandemic issues in mind. Assuming lockdown scenarios are practiced in future aftermath this is the most suitable and preferable solution, they can contact the professional for medical concerns. We have a potential retinue of physicians we can count on, and will be available in the future for such camps too. Upon their consent, we are scheduling more in the future depending on the statistical results of these camps.

Clothes collection

Consequently, we start collecting clothes from our surroundings and got 12 clothes initially. Clothes collection experiences were more than expected and helped us in building a proper network willing to provide their services in the future too. Because our society is so overwhelmed in such efforts, our demand was for clothes that are not in their use- some sort of extra- but they provided their high brand clothes too and promised to compensate in the future.

Alina’s collection

The outcome of our mega project is according to our target we have achieved almost. In the first phase, we provide clothes to the needy people which are 20 to 30 people in a slum area and we also give them some cash if they need anything else so they can buy for themselves. Alina provided female clothes and Osama provided male clothes.

Also asked their friends and relatives to contribute to this activity.

Medical Camp:

Managing medicines & approaching doctors who can volunteer themselves for this noble reason was a tough job I would say, but miraculously our teammates are nevertheless more than a miracle.

For the purpose of health care, we talked to the health care professionals and discussed the idea of the medical camps in slums with them and their responses were quite confident and determined.

A medical camp was set up by Kukmong Welfare Trust for two days in which we contributed financially.

Medical camp arranged by Kukmong welfare trust on 5th and 6th September 2020
Medicine Provided by Wahab Ali and his friends to a camp near Peshawar

In the second phase of our project, we did a medical camp in those areas, and we participated in a medical camp set up by Kukmong Welfare Trust in a village. Where 150 people were treated in camp. In the camp, we have two male doctors from Abbottabad and Peshawar. We also have provided free medicines in our medical camp and we also give some amount in our medical camp so that people can buy other medicines also if they need it.

What Osama Jafar thinks:

I remember the late-night meetings & discussions in which we have had to discuss things, Ideas, formats to strive to present better.

We have had several meetings in this regard, keeping in view our other activities, we all tried to manage things, the events & assignments of the mega project to give it a shape, I wonder how keen & curious were our group members about the progress of our group. They never denied to say yes on my every call, they assured their full support in every point of the situation.

“We believe that sharing is caring and sharing is actually happiness”.

