Usman Nazir
2 min readJul 30, 2020


Being a member of AMAL fellowship programme I have committed to do some tasks as my personal goals and I’m devoted to achieving them at any cost.


I want to learn as many local languages as I can and the most importantly English Language for better communication. AMAL pushed me to take initiative #JustStart activity to my goal.

As I’m gonna travel the country and the world as well, I should have the knowledge of some specific languages.

I have travelled along with many places in Pakistan but I felt the Language is a communication barrier for me in making new friends and have gossips. sometimes I found it hard to participate in a debate just because I can’t speak English.

But now as I have just taken start at my #justStart activity I started to …


First of all, I turn my goal into a SMART goal by implementing AMAL’s lessons.


TED talks

I went through these amazing TED talks. Listened to some of these and it first-ever experienced to some meaningful contents.

In the beginning, it was quite difficult for me to catch some words but I just listened to them carefully and locate their meanings in the dictionary.

I picked up different accents of different countries and tried to speak them up.


For some local languages, I made new friends from different regions at the platform of AMAL ACADEMY.

I must say that “It's just about taking START”.

NEXT STEPS will be …

Make sure to learn vocabulary from internet and people around me. I will try to speak as much as I can and communicate well in the sessions/classes and with friends as well.

