Overcome Procrastination to WIN!

Usman Nazir
2 min readSep 1, 2020


Once a British journalist Holbrook Jackson said, “Never put off till tomorrow the book you can read today.”

I was a Procrastinator too, but the moment I have been taught about a special technique to overcome Procrastination, I realized that it could reduce with the help of some simple steps.

Pomodoro technique

The Pomodoro Technique

As the picture says everything about this beautiful 25-minute task, I am going to share my little experience which took my work to perfection.

According to the first step, I identified my task which was to edit my resume for a job application.

Step two was to set the timer for 25 minutes but I didn’t put my mobile phone on silent mode.

Started working on the task. After 10 minutes, got a WhatsApp notification, picked up the phone to look for the message.

It was my first attempt so I got distracted by a single text message. Tried for the second time with the same procedure, but again distracted by a phone call. Then I realized that its the mobile phone which took me away from the task. Consequently, I put my cell phone on silent mode and again start working on the task.

Unfortunately, got to hear the sound, “Usman! go outside and fetch some …”. This time I declined to go anywhere and completed my 25-minute procedure. Then took a break of 10 minutes.

This experience made a great impact on my work efficiency and perfection. And also it made me capable of reducing Procrastination in my daily tasks.

